stop junk mail

Stop Receiving Junk Mail – Unwanted Mail Gone Forever?

Have you ever wondered how to stop receiving junk mail? Unwanted mails easily fill up your tiny mailboxes when you fail to collect them daily. And jam-packed mailboxes become difficult to open and could result in broken keys. Also, your friendly postal carrier will pull out your mail, leave you to notice, and take them back to the post office. You will have to pick up your mail within ten working days. All of the first and second class mails will then be returned to the sender. You must come to the Post office for pick-up within a ten-day period to avoid further delay.

The above is a common scenario on every community in the United States being serviced by the United States Postal Service (USPS). If you or your friends are in the same predicament, who have raised the issue of stopping junk mail from being delivered to your mailboxes, please do not despair. You have to take your own motivation by taking action. Make your own research and or follow the guidelines we have compiled for you in this article.

How To Stop Receiving Junk Mail – What Is Junk Mail Anyway?

How To Stop Receiving Junk MailBut what are junk mails anyway? These kinds of mail are actually advertising mails. They are circulars, catalogs, credit card applications, and other merchandise materials with or without addresses delivered to the residents. Some consumers or recipients of said mails call them junk mails; they go straight into their garbage cans.

Postal employees, however, frown on this name. Instead, they are proud to call these mails as standard mails or the lifeblood of the USPS. In 2011 alone 87.4 billion mail pieces were processed and delivered by the postal service. It accounted for 17.8 billion dollars out of 66 billion of their total revenue which is second to first class mail ($32.2 billion).

With the ever-increasing popularity of the internet, first-class mail revenue is continually declining for the postal service. Thus, consumers can expect their standard mail or junk mail to continue on perhaps with more volume. This is because the USPS is currently looking for ways to stay afloat. Believe it or not, 56% of junk mail is read according to Wikipedia. For the 44%ers, they may be able to stop junk mail deliveries.

Stop Receiving Junk Mail – Actions You Can Take

Check with the consumer reporting companies: Using the internet go to You would find that these companies are actually credit reporting companies; namely Equifax, Experian, Innovis, and Transunion. You may request to opt-out receiving firm offers for 5 years or permanently through this website.

These firms will require you to provide some personal information such as your name, social security number, and date of birth. These of course are confidential information. The website also provides you the option to opt-in if you so desire to receive firm offers again.

For consumers that don’t have access to the internet the consumer reporting companies addresses are:

  • Equifax, Inc., Options, P.O. Box 740123, Atlanta, GA 30374
  • Experian, Opt-Out, P.O. Box 919, Allen, TX 75013
  • Innovis Consumer Assistance, P.O. Box 495, Pittsburgh, PA 15230
  • TransUnion, Name Removal Option, P.O. Box 505, Woodlyn, PA 19094

The postal service values junk mails since it provides them with considerable revenue. It accounts for about a third of the annual revenue of the USPS. Delivery of this type of mail is going to continue with more volume. They do this to compensate for the decrease in first-class mail due to consumers’ use of the internet. Over 50% of mail recipients read these mails. The rest can continue to disregarding them and or take the actions outlined in the article on how to stop receiving junk mail.